Keith Carey with MaxGXL and MaxWLX

Keith Carey and His Business, Max International Products: MaxGXL and MaxWLX

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

MaxGXL: Glutathione Accelerator...

Energy Facts: Reduced is Good!!!...

1. All molecules contain energy, stored in the molecular structure itself.

2. A portion of that energy, called free energy, can be used to do work.

3. A chemical reaction that adds free energy to a molecule is said to reduce the molecule.

4. Removing free energy from a molecule is called oxidation.

5. When reaction results in transfer of free energy from one molecule to another, we call it oxidation/reduction, or redox reaction.

6. In a redox reaction, one or more molecules is reduced (gains energy) while one or more molecules is oxidized (losses energy).

Glutathione Benefits and Uses...

  • Strengthens your immune system
  • Detoxifies your body
  • Improves Athletic Performance and recovery
  • Fights Inflammation and the diseases of AGING

For More Information,

Please Contact:
Keith Carey - 818-510-4456


Take A Tour and Get Acquianted!!!

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