Keith Carey with MaxGXL and MaxWLX

Keith Carey and His Business, Max International Products: MaxGXL and MaxWLX

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

MaxGXL: Glutathione Accelerator...

Energy Facts: Reduced is Good!!!...

1. All molecules contain energy, stored in the molecular structure itself.

2. A portion of that energy, called free energy, can be used to do work.

3. A chemical reaction that adds free energy to a molecule is said to reduce the molecule.

4. Removing free energy from a molecule is called oxidation.

5. When reaction results in transfer of free energy from one molecule to another, we call it oxidation/reduction, or redox reaction.

6. In a redox reaction, one or more molecules is reduced (gains energy) while one or more molecules is oxidized (losses energy).

Glutathione Benefits and Uses...

  • Strengthens your immune system
  • Detoxifies your body
  • Improves Athletic Performance and recovery
  • Fights Inflammation and the diseases of AGING

For More Information,

Please Contact:
Keith Carey - 818-510-4456


Take A Tour and Get Acquianted!!!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Peroxynitrite is Truly Pernicous!...

Martin L. Pall, PhD, professor of Biochemistry and Basic medical Science at Washington State University stated: "Peroxynitrite reacts with and inactivates several of the enzymes in mitochondria so that mitochondrial and energy metabolism dysfunction is one of the most important consequences of elevated peroxynitrite."

Translation: When the mitochondria have suffered enough free radical damage as to become dysfunctional, energy production is impaired. Your cells do not get the amount of energy they need to function properly. Your cells may function at a level below the optimum although you probably won't feel it.

There is yet one more free-radical mitochondrial consequence as a result of low glutathione levels that you "will" be aware of. Richard Van Konynenburg, PhD, wrote: The resulting partial blockades in the Krebs cycles and the respiratory chains in the red, slow-twitch skeletal muscle cells decease their rate of production of ATP. Since ATP is what powers muscle contractions, the lack of it produces physical fatigue. It becomes chronic because GSH[glutathione] remains depleted."

You might think of free radicals as a hand of marauders circling an oil tanker, preparing to hijack the precious commodity that fuels cars and trains and pretty much the entire Western World. Glutathione molecules could be considered a group of highly efficient bodyguards - handling out electrons and turning vicious marauders into mild-mannered bystanders.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Glutathione Praise from Dr. Keller...

As you understand this intricate energy creation process, perhaps you will appreciate more a statement by the creator of MaxGXL, Dr. Robert H. Keller. Dr. Keller said that glutathione is "critical to cell functions such as the TCA(Kreb) cycle and then the respiratory chain that uses 4 molecules of ATP to generate 32 molecules of ATP."

Is it vital for you to have those glutathione bodyguards on energy duty? Van Konynenburg certainly thinks so as he wrote, "GSH [glutathione] plays very important roles in maintaining mitochondrial function and integriry."

Perhaps it's enough to remember that glutathione is there to assure that the creation of cellular energy is not hampered by free radical damage. While this is not by any means the only role glutathione plays in keeping your body running smoothly, it is a vitally important role. Now you have one more reason to appreciate Dr. Keller's marvelous, patented product!